NPS Battlefield, Pea Ridge, Arkansas - March 8 - 10, 2024
For one of the most unique and theater-specific living history immersion events of 2024. "ICE CREAM SUIT" is a campaigner level event and we are recreating the first mass issue of uniforms to General Sterling Price's Division on March 1-2, 1862, days prior to the Battle of Elk Horn Tavern/Pea Ridge March 7-8, 1862. EVERY man must provide a brand new uniform set for issue at the event, including JACKET and TROUSERS.
This will be a 2 impression event, EVERY man will arrive Friday in your Missouri State Guard/Civilian impression, then be issued your new 1st MO Brigade uniform set early Saturday morning. Find impression guidelines on the IMPRESSION GUIDELINES page of this website. BULLY BUYS are available for the 1st MO Brigade uniform set. Registration is $25.00 per man and covers your rations for the weekend.
Elkhorn Tavern/Pea Ridge, Arkansas
Reenactor registration is $25 per man
(this covers your rations issue for the event)
Thank you for your interest in "ICE CREAM SUIT" event, we encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have.
Please send all questions by email to event organizers and we will work hard to respond within 24 hrs.
Event Coordinator / Webmaster: Christian M. Shuster - christianmichealshuster@gmail.com
Illustrations by Robert L. Kroening - @rlkhistoricart
See you in MARCH 2024!!!!