NPS Battlefield, Pea Ridge, Arkansas - March 8 - 10, 2024


Commanding / Colonel: Christian M. Shuster

Lt. Colonel: 


Adjutant / Lieutenant: Cameron Wilcox

Sergeant Major: Matthew Rubin

Color Sgt: Garrett Lipps

CO. A - Shuster's TIGERS / Captain: Mike Hammond

CO. B - Trans Mississippi Hellcats / Captain: Sam Galyon

CO. C (Color Company) - Croaker Mess / Captain: Christian Jebb

CO. D - 1st MO Battalion (consolidated)

FILLER COMPANY - used to ensure all others have 25 man minimum 

Commissary Unit - The Invincibles / Quartermaster Sgt: Cody Mobley

(all companies MUST have 25 men minimum)

Thank you for your interest in "ICE CREAM SUIT" event, we encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have.  

Please send all questions by email to event organizers and we will work hard to respond within 24 hrs.

Event Coordinator / Webmaster: Christian M. Shuster - christianmichealshuster@gmail.com

Illustrations by Robert L. Kroening  - @rlkhistoricart 

See you in MARCH 2024!!!!